On Thu, 03 Jun 2010 16:16:00 +0100, TAMURA, Kent <tk...@chromium.org> wrote:

> An element is a "candidate for constraint validation" if
> 1. it is a validatable type,
>    e.g. true if <input type=number>, false if <input type=reset>
> 2. has no "disabled" attribute,
> 3. has no "readonly" attribute,
> 4. inside of a <form> element,
> 5. has non-empty "name" attribute, and
> 6. not inside of a <datalist> element.
> I hope ValidityState and the pseudo classes ignores 2-6.

The pseudo-classes do not ignore 2, 3, and 6. (4 and 5 are now removed.)

I'd like to propose to add another condition:
7. it is visible (computed 'display' property of CSS isn't 'none' and no
'hidden' content attribute)

You'd need to check the visibility or display also of all ancestors, that opacity is not 0, that the bounding box has enough size to render the form to the user and etc.
That's quite complicated to specify.

Would be easier to tell that user agents might chose to ignore form controls that they do not *paint* if that is possible for the UA to implement.

I couldn't find exceptional rules for validating invisible controls in the
current draft.
Chrome 5 was released with a part of interactive validation, and we received
a bug report about validation against invisible form controls.

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