There is a way for the application to remove itself from the cache. If
fetching the manifestUrl returns a 404 or 410 response, all traces of that
manifestUrl are deleted from the cache. See section 6.6.4.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Peter Beverloo <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 15:01, Daniel Glazman
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I noticed the Application Cache does not allow to remove
> > a single cached web application from the cache. Is that on
> > purpose?
> > I am under the impression the cache is here more an offline
> > storage for webapps than a normal cache, and that in the long
> > run browsers will have to implement an "Offline Web Apps" manager.
> > Since the user is supposedly already provided with a dialog
> > asking permission to make a webapp available offline, it makes
> > sense to give him/her a way to remove a single application from
> > the cache.
> >
> > </Daniel>
> Section 6.6.7 talks about expiration of cached data [1], but also
> includes a few notes about removing items from the store. It
> specifically states that user-agents could have a "delete
> site-specific data" feature which also covers removing application
> caches, but also hints towards a feature that removes caches on
> request of the user.
> The API does not state a way allowing an application to remove itself
> from the cache, which could be desirable for web authors. If there's
> interest for such an addition I'm willing to make a proposal, as it
> isn't hard to think about use-cases for such a feature.
> Regards,
> Peter Beverloo
> [1]

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