On Fri, 2010-06-18 at 13:03 -0400, Eitan Adler wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Gordon P. Hemsley
> <gphems...@gmail.com> wrote:
>         I'm not sure how you interpreted, but I wanted to clarify, in
>         case it wasn't clear.
>         I'm pretty sure this person is asking why @required isn't
>         allowed on <select> elements.
>         As in:
> http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/forms-attributes.html#shared-form.attrs.required
>         I don't know what the exact reasoning is for it not being on
>         there, nor do I know exactly how @required is supposed to be
>         enforced, but I do think that the method suggested in the bug
>         is a bad one. Sometimes, authors will include an empty
>         <option> on purpose in order to allow for an empty option to
>         be selected.
> Perhaps the @requires attribute could be handled somewhat differently.
> If present the "default" value becomes the "not allowed" value and the
> browser would require you to change the value before submitting the
> form.
> -- 
> Eitan Adler

I would think it makes more sense for the app/site to choose a sensible
default value. For instance, instead of the daft "-- please select a
month--" type of options, how about just picking January by default and
then letting the user override it? It's what I do on all my apps, and
makes sense to me that if the user isn't bothered about changing the
value, I only need care about whether it's a sensible value, and not
whether it was actually a conscious choice.


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