On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 9:43 PM, timeless <timel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 5:26 AM, silviapfeiffer1
> <silviapfeiff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It doesn't actually matter what element the URI appears in - your
>> element has to deal with the data that it receives and if
>> "file.ogv#t=1:00,1:15" is an Ogg Theora segment out of a video, then
>> that is what the <img> element receives.
> right.
>> I am
>> not aware though of any <img> element implementation that can deal
>> with Ogg Theora video.
> That's changeable. And you seem to be totally ignoring that this is
> the thrust of someone else's request.
> Note that I'm not the one asking for it. Just trying to explain it to
> you since you seem to be doing a good job of totally missing the
> point.

Same here. ;-)

Note that I do understand the need and am trying to explain how it can
be made to work. Also I am trying to show that what might look as the
simplest approach won't work and why.

>> If you are, however, asking to turn the Ogg Theora video into a APNG
>> or a animated GIF or even a MNG, there will need to be a transcoding
>> step at the server,
> No no.
> If a browser can decode a frame or sequence of frames from an ogg,
> then it can display them, and since it can display various image
> formats in <img> (jpg, gif, png, apng, potentially mng, and in future
> geckos SVG), then someone (not me!) is merely suggesting that ogg be
> another one, either as a single frame or an animated sequence.

All of the image formats that you are pointing out have an image mime
type. I am merely pointing out that to support ogg theora browsers
would need to support a video mime type in an <img> element. I don't
see that as the intention of the <img> element, in particular since
<img> elements do not have transport controls and the like. Otherwise,
why did we create a <video> element in the first place.

So, I am just pointing out that with current <img> element
implementations and with the existing intentions of <img> elements (as
opposed to <video> elements), using a segment of Ogg Theora video as
defined through a media fragment URI will not work as an image
resource and will also not work as a video resource.

Hope that clarifies it.


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