On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Bjartur Thorlacius <svartma...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, 5 Jul 2010, Marques Johansson <marq...@displague.com> wrote:
> > The company I work for, VOD.com (sfw) (aka Hotmovies .com and clips .com
> -
> > nsfw (spaces added)), offer video on demand services to thousands of
If I understand correctly, you are content distributors and video encoders.


> > Customers can watch movies by purchasing packages of time or paying for
> > protected rentals or for some of our sites and videos they can pay for
> > unprotected video.  The protected content (rentals) comes in the form of
> > or DivX files using either DivX's service of Windows Media Server.
> So you sell copies for money and a promise to delete the copy after
> it's use. That's like selling a book, printing "Burn after reading"
> on it and calling yourself a library. Also the book shall not be used
> for "unauthorized uses", e.g. put under a table foot, lent to a friend
> or read repeatedly. The latter two cases may be solved by going to the
> "library" and buying another copy, other can't.
> Many people see DRM as an hybrid between a lock and a automagical fire
> lighter.

Yes, let's get Amazon MP3 and the Itunes store closed down immediately.  I'm
not lobbying for DRM inclusion into HTML5 - I'm looking for server side HTML
or HTTP ways to limit transfer sizes.

Once a user has bought a copy, the copy has been bought and how
> (often) he uses said copy isn't your probem. You've successfully
> distributed and charged for the content. Job's done. A technical user
> will probably be able to copy the video to permanent storage whatever
> you do. Multi-pricing can also be achieved by other means, such as by
> resolution crippling. Watermarking to aid with tracking down grand scale
> pirates seems to be an OK thing to do.

I know that a technical user will have the ability to do this.  They will
have at least paid for one copy.

> Server load can also be reduced by e.g. P2P, though users may want the
> price to drop in proportion to their uploads.

I am using a standard video format and standard HTTP/HTML to distribute
video.  You don't see many P2P HTTP solutions around these days.

Bandwidth isn't the issue in my case, but I would rather have the user
disconnect from the server and play the video they've got before requesting
more.  The less open / throttled connections the server has to deal with the
better it performs.

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