On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 16:36:30 +0200, Markus Ernst <derer...@gmx.ch> wrote:
I tried to read about CORS, but did not understand the whole of it. Can CORS be set up via server-side scripting, with PHP or whatever? Then it will be an acceptable solution, and sooner or later libraries will be available for both the server and the client side.

If CORS must be set up by the server administrator, it will be a problem in shared hosting environments.

Anyway, for something that looks as easy as allowing an iframe to seamlessly integrate a document, the overhead of server-side setup and client-side scripting looks huge to me, and it also has the downside of being dependent on Javascript.

Dependent on JavaScript? Adding a header to a resource is not a huge overhead. (As an aside, even in shared hosting environments you can usually have complete control over what goes out. It's just more complicated. But it does not become less complicated if you have your own hosting environment either...)

But this discussion is premature. We should first have a couple of implementations of seamless before we make things more complicated.

Anne van Kesteren

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