Perhaps BlobBuilder from this
spec<>is the
closest API to what you describe, if it doesn't fit your use case -
please describe the case so the spec authors could consider it.

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 4:58 AM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> On 7/25/10 4:44 AM, Toni Ruottu wrote:
>> I am hoping that I could, in the future, send arbitrary binary data
>> with XHR. The XHR level 2 specification tells me that to send binary
>> data I need to do send(blob). Blob is defined in FileAPI which tells
>> me how to read data to a blob from the hard disk.
> Various other specifications describe other ways of producing Blobs (e.g.
> the Capture API has some ways that don't involve files).  It should be
> pretty straightforward to define some ways to create Blobs from in-memory
> data, if there's nothing out there yet that does so.
> -Boris

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