Many features are now in separate specifications / drafts, linked to in the
introduction you reference. It doesn't mean they're dead, indeed web storage
has been implemented by a number of browsers as have other features listed
there such as geolocation, websockets, etc. Don't read too much into it.
HTML5 is a single specification, it doesn't mean that it's the only
specification browsers support. For instance, all browsers support CSS - CSS
is not in the HTML5 specification, it's a distinct specification. There are
many logistical advantages etc, again, don't read too much into it.

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 7:19 AM, zhao Matt <> wrote:

> I saw HTML5 spec 's 
> introduction<>includes
>  the following content,
> "Features that are not currently in this document that were in the past
> considered part of HTML5...,, include:... Web Storage"
> I know "Web Storage" provides ways for web applications to store key-value
> data in the browser, effectively replacing cookies, but I am curious why is
> the feature removed from HTML5 Spec? or  Why can't the feature be
> contained in HTML5?   thanks.

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