On 8/29/10 1:53 PM, Joshua Cranmer wrote:
Most authors don't care about whether or not an implementation supports
an entire, full specification; they just want to know "Can I use this
feature in this browser?" So saying that all major implementations
support much of CSS 2 to a high degree of correctness is useless for
knowing if, say, the author can use display: run-in.

In particular because while there are implementations that claim to support display: run-in trying to actually _use_ it leads to grief quickly in most of them unless your page is static.

In other words, the
feature tables that you think are indicative of a problem are what web
authors would actually use in real life.

What's sad is that there aren't really any good ones I've seen. For example, all the ones I've seen have a yes/no entry for "display:run-in"... and then try to bin browsers into those bins.


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