I think if you want that effect, you flip what's visible in an area of the page 
between a playing video, and an image.  Relying on the poster is not effective, 

On Dec 8, 2010, at 23:11 , Kevin Marks wrote:

> Apologies for top posting; I'm on my phone.
> One case where posters come back after playback is complete is  when there 
> are multiple videos on the page, and only one has playback focus at a time, 
> such as a page of preview movies for longer ones to purchase.
> In that case, showing the poster again on blur makes sense conceptually.
> It seems that getting back into the pre-playback state, showing the poster 
> again would make sense in this context.
> That would imply adding an unload() method that reverted to that state, and 
> could be used to make any cached media data purgeable in favour of another 
> video that is subsequently loaded.
>> On Dec 8, 2010 6:56 PM, "Ian Hickson" <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010, Shiv Kumar wrote:
>> >
>> > I'd like to see the implementation of the poster attribut...
>> This is an implementation choice; the spec allows either the poster to be
>> used or the first frame. This is to allow the browser to use the poster
>> frame until playback begins, but to then use the first frame if the user
>> seeks back to the start of the video.
>> > The poster should not show while the player is seeking (some browser 
>> > implementation do show t...
>> That's an implementation bug. The spec doesn't allow that.
>> > The poster should show again after the video has ended.
>> Why?
>> > The visibility of the poster should be scriptable and/or controllable 
>> > using an attribute. Mea...
>> What's the use case for this?
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>> >
>> > | When a video element is paused and the current p...
>> That would be annoying in a different way -- it would mean you couldn't
>> seek back to the start of the video and see the first frame.
>> We could make the spec more precise and require that a particular
>> behaviour occur before playback has ever happened and another after
>> playback has ever happened, but in practice I think that there is only one
>> behaviour that is useful and desireable enough that all browsers will
>> implement it, and we don't gain much by making the other more esotecir
>> behaviours non-conforming for those few people who would prefer it the
>> other way. (In general it is considered bad form to require particular UI
>> unless there is a strong reason to do so.)
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010, Monty Montgomery wrote:
>> > 
>> > If the default action is to redisplay the poster...
>> The default behaviour without script should be the most useful behaviour,
>> not the behaviour that can most easily be turned into another behaviour
>> with script.
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Zachary Ozer wrote:
>> >
>> > I'd like to weight in quickly on this based on feedba...
>> >  * Webkit's original implementation (show the first frame once it's
>> > available) is requested by a lot of people. What they don't realize is 
>> > that the first frame is ...
>> > (you have to start loading the video, then call play() and pause() on
>> > the first frame), but I'd say it's still a good idea to display the 
>> > first frame if there's no p...
>> This seems consistent with the spec's requirements.
>> > * Don't show the poster when the video buffers - just pause the video 
>> > and give some visual i...
>> This also.
>> > * We've never had anyone request different poster images for begin / 
>> > pause / end. People gen...
>> > and end, and they want the same image. If someone wants to change it,
>> > allow them to set the poster attribute via JavaScript.
>> I'm not aware of people wanting to have it appear at the end -- this never
>> came up in the study of use cases. Can you elaborate on this? Are there
>> examples of sites that do this today? It seems like you could just put the
>> "end poster frame" in the last frame of view instead.
>> > * Don't clear the poster on load(). A lot of people get confused by 
>> > this. It might make sens...
>> Not sure what this is referencing.
>> > * I'm not sure how reset() would work. Would you reset the list of 
>> > <source> too?
>> What is reset()?
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010, Shiv Kumar wrote:
>> >
>> > First I do want to make clear that it's not about being...
>> The goal isn't to make HTML declarative to the extent possible, but to
>> make it declarative for the most common 80% of use cases.
>> > As regards having control over the poster's visibility using 
>> > attributes/script, the use case ...
>> > producers frequently want us to show the poster after the video has
>> > ended.
>> It seems clear that they can play it again if they want to... why would
>> they not be able to? Do you have an example of a site I can use that does
>> this? I'm curious to study this kind of UI.
>> > Seeing that there is no way to show it again (after it has disappeared) 
>> > I think that there sh...
>> > any use for the poster attribute if one wants to turn on the poster.
>> I don't really see why one would want to turn on the poster. What's the
>> use case?
>> > Yes, I know one can assign/un-assign the poster attribute. But really is 
>> > that how we see func...
>> > even this solution will not make the poster visible when required (or
>> > when desired).
>> If you want to change the poster, changing the poster="" attribute seems
>> like a perfectly reasonable way to do it.
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
>> > 
>> > We do need a spec change to allow the poster t...
>> Agreed, but is it? I don't think I've ever seen it!
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Roger Hågensen wrote:
>> > 
>> > The proper behavior should be that...
>> > if there i...
>> I agree that this is a description of good UI, but not that we should
>> mandate it to the point of making other implementation non-conforming.
>> > I'd also like to add that...
>> > If the user pauses the video during play then a "paused poster" must not be
>> > shown as the user most likely intends to study the paused frame of the 
>> > video,
>> > if there is a "paused poster" then it must be toggleable between "paused
>> > poster" and frame by th...
>> Agreed, to the extent that there doesn't seem to be a good use case for a
>> "pause poster" in the first place.
>> > And I'd also like to add that...
>> > If there is a "end poster" then it must be displayed when the user stop the
>> > video, or if the last frame of the video is reached then the "end poster" 
>> > but
>> > be shown.
>> If we supported this feature that's how it should work, sure.
>> > Finally I'd like to add that...
>> > There may be one or more posters, the start/pause/end posters ...
>> I really don't see much evidence that this is a use case that needs
>> supporting.
>> > Does posters support hotzones at all? To allow clickable 
>> > items/links/symbols (urls?). Just cu...
>> Not currently.
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010, Shiv Kumar wrote:
>> >
>> > As regards having more control of the poster’s visibili...
>> What's the use case? Is this really something that happens enough to
>> matter?
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>> >
>> > Could a call to video.load() reset this state?
>> It could, yes, according to the spec today, but it also causes the whole
>> video to reload from the network (modulo caching).
>> On Sun, 19 Sep 2010, Shiv Kumar wrote:
>> > 
>> > Currently is doesn't affect the poster. But would that...
>> Currently the spec does allow the poster to be shown after load(), since
>> the poster can get shown at any time where the current position is zero,
>> and load() resets that.
>> > Ideally poster should be an object (a property of the video element) 
>> > that has a source proper...
>> It's not clear to me that the use cases we've seen justify such complexity.
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Chris Pearce wrote:
>> > 
>> > Showing the poster at the end of playback is a matte...
>> I think this would make sense if we see evidence that authors actually
>> want this behaviour (e.g. they go out of their way to implement it). Do we
>> see such evidence in Flash players, for instance?
>> On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Shiv Kumar wrote:
>> > 
>> > I’ve explained earlier that that’s not a solution. In ...
>> > Of course we wouldn’t want the user to see the poster during the time 
>> > it takes to switch so we ...
>> That seems reasonable. You can also just use another <video> element and
>> fade it in over the top and then remove the old one.
>> > In my mind, “load()” does not imply that the poster should also 
>> > show. The video stream and po...
>> They're not independent. They're part of the same element.
>> load() just tells the <video> element to restart. load() is implicitly
>> called when you create the <video> element, it's what makes the video
>> load in the first place. It makes sense that it would reset the playback
>> position, poster, etc.
>> > The other aspect is that the url to the video changes frequently (in 
>> > order to prevent bandwid...
>> Using a changing URL to avoid someone referencing your video doesn't seem
>> like an especially good design. I don't think we should optimise the spec
>> to support such a design.
>> > I fail to see why we can’t simply have a way to turn on the poster 
>> > without impacting anything...
>> I'm not sure I agree with this premise.
>> [I've snipped a number of e-mails repeating the same arguments with no new
>> information -- please note that repeating arguments doesn't help!]
>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>> >
>> > I don't think you understand what load() does. It certainly does not 
>> > replace
>> > a currently playing resource with a new one without glitches. When you load
>> > a new resource, you ...
>> The latter sounds like a bug. load() should set /paused/ to true per spec.
>> On Tue, 21 Sep 2010, Shiv Kumar wrote:
>> > 
>> > Can you give me a good reason/case for not having a si...
>> That's not how standardisation works. We don't add all the features for
>> which we can't find compelling arguments _against_, we only add features
>> for which we can find compelling arguments _for_. Compelling arguments
>> usually come in the form of use cases (e.g. large numbers of sites that
>> are working around the lack of a feature), or compatibility (e.g. lots
>> of browsers doing something).
>> --
>> Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
>> http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
>> Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

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