On 12/29/2010 09:27 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Mon, 20 Sep 2010, Biju wrote:

We need
HTMLNode.getSupportedEvents()  ==>  returns a text array of event names
HTMLNode.isSupportedEvent(eventName)  ==>  returns true/false

Many times in particular version of browser we dont know whether an
HTMLNode/window support particular event.
Or what are the alternate events available, so that we can refer some
document or do some test to find how it can be used.
So I wish we had above methods available.

What do you mean by "supports an event"? You can dispatch any event you
want to any event target.

Exactly. And not all events have corresponding onfoo property.
And extension and Greasemonkey scripts can add support for
any new event types.


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