On 2011-01-05 02:39, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Wed, 20 Oct 2010, Jens M�ller wrote:
now that device orientation, geolocation, camera etc. have been spec'ed:
Is there any intent to provide an API for pressure sensors?

This might well be the next hip feature in smartphones ...

Oh, and while we are at it: Humidity probably belongs to the same group.
I haven't added these features to the spec for now, since the use cases
for it aren't that compelling and so it's probably best to wait a while
longer, allowing browser vendors to implement more of the stuff we have
already added.

May I suggest that things like geolocation, temperature, pressure, humidity, altitude, etc. are all classified as part of a "Environment API" set? it should make classification of future tech, as well as searching/looking up and documenting them a lot easier I hope! Audio In-Out and Camera/Photo/Video all belong under a umbrella Media API set after all as well?

Roger "Rescator" Hågensen.
Freelancer - http://www.EmSai.net/

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