On 1/6/11 3:25 PM, Aryeh Gregor wrote:
Browsers disagreed about how to handle input to atob() that can't be
produced by btoa().  Firefox mostly throws exceptions, WebKit is
slightly more lenient, and Opera doesn't throw exceptions at all.
gsnedders told me Opera's behavior caused site compat problems, so I
went with Firefox's behavior, or about as close to Firefox's behavior
as I could determine without reading the source code.

For what it's worth, Firefox's behavior for atob (based on reading the source code, sorta) is the following (ignoring various exceptions on allocation failures and the like):

1) If the input string contains any 16-bit units whose value is greater than 0xff, throw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR.

2) If the input string's length is greater than 0xFFFFFFFF / 3, throw a generic failure code (because otherwise a 32-bit computation of the output string length will overflow; this could probably be changed to use 64-bit arithmetic).

3) If the length of the source string is 0 mod 4 and the string ends in either "=" or "==" then chop off the trailing equals signs from the string. If after this step the length is 1 mod 4, throw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR.

4) If the string contains any characters other than those in [A-Za-z0-9+/] then throw INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR.

Step 2 is certainly missing from your spec (and as I said, may not be desirable); I haven't verified whether your regexp ends up enforcing exactly 3+4 above.

As far as I can tell by writing tests, there are only two cases where
Firefox's atob() doesn't throw an exception on input that can't have
come from btoa().  First, if there are trailing bits after decoding
that aren't all 0, Firefox discards them.  So for instance, atob("YQ")
and atob("YR") both return "a".  Second, it doesn't require trailing =
signs, so atob("YQ") works although btoa("a") is actually "YQ==".

Based on code inspection, that sounds right in terms of what the Firefox behavior is.

Note that it's not that uncommon to use atob on things that came from other base64-producing tools, not just from btoa. Not sure whether that matters here.


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