Le 07/01/2011 14:40, Berend-Jan Wever a écrit :
Thanks guys, that makes sense (unfortunately).

So, would it be possible:

1) To give WebWorkers access to the DOM API so they can create their own
elements such as img, canvas, etc...?
As I mentionned, Ian Hickson's response also covers provoding the DOM API since DOM implementations (besides the document object) aren't thread-safe. So currently no (as far as I know). A (laborious) workaround of that would be to reimplement the API

2) To create a way to communicate media data between web workers and pages
without serialization, so they can pass img, video, and/or audio with high
The postMessage method takes "any" as argument. You can learn more about this here :
You can pass "structured clone" as messages (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/urls.html#structured-clone) Basically I understand it as : any "hand-made" ECMAScript (JavaScript) object should pass through by postMessage in WebWorkers. Thanks to this you should have "enough structure" to emulate a partial reduced DOM tree if you want to pre-format your data without having to pass a string (what I understand when you say "serialization").

3) Introduce a set of "shared" objects, which are re-entrancy save versions
of a very limited sub-set of classes in the DOM API.
Once again, DOM implementation thread-safety problem. I wish the same features than you, but web browsers aren't ready yet for this.

I wish to see parallelism to the browser as much as you do, but we are going to have to wait for a bit to have it fully useful from the web developer point of view.

For the record, I know that there is some work going on to add parallelism to ECMAScript (JavaScript) itself (and not some DOM expansion as WebWorkers are) :

Hope it helps,


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