On 1/17/11 6:04 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 From a user's perspective (which is what I'm speaking as here), it
doesn't matter what the technology is. The point is that there is
prevalent UI out there right now where pausing a moving will keep
buffering it up and then you can watch it later. This is just as true
for 2-hour movies as it is for 2-minute ones, last I checked.

So one question is whether this is a UI that we want to support, given
existing user familiarity with it. If so, there are separate questions
about how to support it, of course.

I checked with some other users who aren't me, as a sanity check, and while all of them expected pausing a movie to buffer far enough to be able to play through when unpaused, none of them really expected the whole movie to buffer. So it might in fact make the most sense to stick to buffering when paused until we're in the playthrough state and then stop, and have some other UI for making the moving available offline.


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