Steve Lacey <> wrote:

[Media elements]

> Another open question: what are sensible values if the information is
> not available. Zero seems wrong.

This is a question that I have considered for some time for all the
properties in HTMLMediaElement interface, not especially for your new
proposed statistics.

I have not come to any particular conclusions as yet.  One option is to try
to invent plausible values for the property values.  e.g. you can seek

For us, with a third-party black box media player sitting at several levels
of abstraction away (and sometimes on a separate processor), we do not have
access to most of the information that is necessary to drive the algorithms.
For example, network usage (if indeed there is any at all), which frames you
have, seekable ranges, buffering statistics - all of these are unavailable.

Stewart Brodie
Team Leader - ANT Galio Browser
ANT Software Limited

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