Just to start the discussion, we put together the simplest use case you can 
imagine (with an additional error case). It has been been sent to the RTC-Web 
community before, but as there is some discussion on ConnectionPeer ongoing we 
thought the use case could be of interest in this community as well. 

Some requirements are derived from the use case. The intention is to add more 
use cases, but before spending any more energy I though it would be good to 
display it to start the discussion and to get feedback on whether this is a 
workable model or not.
The requirements are split in three categories: 
1. User/privacy: the intention is to list what an end user can expect in
   terms of what an web application can do without user consent and so on
2. API dimension: lists what must be accessible by JS and signalled to JS
   via APIs
3. Functional dimension: lists functionality that must be supported by the
   browser (in combination with the underlying operating system, drivers 
   and HW) even though it is not visible from the API. 
I can't say that I am extremely satisfied with this division. Perhaps we could 
come up with something better. Also, some of the requirements in the 
User/privacy and Functional dimensions are not derived (e.g. ask for user
consent) from this use case per se, but are instead generic requirements.
Perhaps they should be handled separately?

"Connection" is not mentioned as it is not a requirement (the requirement is 
rather to be able to send and receive streams, a connection would presumably be 
used as a foundation for the stream transport).
OK, to the use case:

1. Simple Video Chat
A simple video chat service has been developed. In the service the users are 
logged on to the same chat web server. The web server publishes information 
about user login status, pushing updates to the web apps in the browsers. By 
clicking on an online peer user name, a 1-1 video chat session between the two 
browsers is initiated. The invited peer is presented with a choice of joining 
or rejecting the session.
The web author developing the application has decided to display a self-view as 
well as the video from the remote side in rather small windows, but the user 
can change the display size during the session. The application also supports 
if a participant (for a longer or shorter time) would like to stop sending 
audio (but keep video) or video (keep audio) to the other peer ("mute").
Any of the two participants can at any time end the chat by clicking a button.
In this specific case two users are using lap-tops in their respective homes. 
They are connected to the public Internet with a desktop browser using WiFi 
behind NATs. One of the users has an ADSL connection to the home, and the other 
fiber access. Most of the time headsets are used, but not always.

1.1 Requirements

1.1.1 User/privacy dimension
!Requirement. The user must:            !Comment                               !
!give explicit consent before a device  !                                      !
!can be used to capture audio or video  !                                      !
!be able to in an intuitive way revoke  !                                      !
!and change capturing permissions       !                                      !
!be able to easily understand that audio!                                      !
!or video is being captured             !                                      !
!be informed about that an invitation to!                                      !
!a peer video chat session has been     !                                      !
!received                               !                                      !
!be able to accept or reject an         !                                      !
!invitation to a peer video chat session!                                      !
!be able to stop a media stream from    !                                      !
!being transmitted                      !                                      !
1.1.2 API dimension
!Requirement.                           !Comment                               !
!It must be possible to update presence !Event. Out of scope for RTC-Web?      !
!info from web server and make web      !                                      !
!application aware.                     !                                      !
!It must be possible to propagate       !Out of scope for RTC-Web?             !
!intention to start a chat session from !                                      !
!one web app (via server), and make     !                                      !
!receiving web application aware.       !                                      !
!Likewise, the receiving web application!                                      !
!must be able to propagate its accept/  !                                      !
!reject to the initiating web app.      !                                      !
!The web application must be able to use!Provided the user has given consent.  !
!cams and mics as input devices.        !                                      !
!The web application must be able to    !I.e. how they are routed. To e.g. both!
!control how streams generated by input !a self-view and a peer                !
!devices are used                       !                                      !
!The web application must be able to    !Use the audio and video elements?     !
!control how streams are rendered and   !                                      !
!displayed                              !                                      !
!The web application must be able to    !                                      !
!initiate sending of streams to a peer  !                                      !
!The web application must be able to    !If the video is going to be displayed !
!define the media format to be used for !in a large window, use higher bit-    !
!the streams sent to a peer.            !rate/resolution. Should media settings!
!                                       !be allowed to be changed during a     !
!                                       !session (at e.g. window resize)?      !
!The web application must be made aware !Event.                                !
!of whether set up of stream sending was!                                      !
!successful or not                      !                                      !
!The web application must be made aware !Event. To be able to (with or without !
!when a stream from a peer is received  !user involvement) accept or reject,   !
!                                       !and to connect the stream to the right!
!                                       !display/rendering element.            !
!The web application must be made aware !Event.                                !
!of when a stream from a peer is not    !                                      !
!received any more                      !                                      !
!The web application in a session must  !                                      !
!be able to terminate all incoming and  !                                      !
!outgoing streams                       !                                      !
1.1.3 Functional dimension
!Requirement.                           !Comment                               !
!The browser must be able to have an    !Out of scope for RTC-Web? Use WS or   !
!always on connection with the web      !S-SE?                                 !
!server to be able to receive presence  !                                      !
!updates and chat initiations           !                                      !
!The browser must be able to use mics   !                                      !
!and cams as input devices              !                                      !
!The browser must be able to send       !                                      !
!streams (includes the associated       !                                      !
!processing like coding, framing, etc.) !                                      !
!to a peer in presence of NATs.         !                                      !
!The browser must be able to receive    !                                      !
!streams (associated processing) from   !                                      !
!peers and render them                  !                                      !
!Streams being transmitted must be      !Do not starve other traffic (e.g. on  !
!subject to rate control                !ADSL link)                            !
!When there is both incoming and        !Headsets not always used              !
!outgoing audio streams, echo           !                                      !
!cancellation must be provided to avoid !                                      !
!disturbing echo during conversation    !                                      !
!Synchronization between audio and video!                                      !
!must be supported                      !                                      !
2 Simple video chat with link loss
The use case is identical to the previous one, but in this case the ADSL link 
is unreliable and goes down from time to time.

2.1 Requirements
Only the delta is documented (the other reqs remain).

2.1.1 User/privacy dimension
!Requirement.                           !Comment                               !
!The user must be informed that the     !                                      !
!communication has ceased               !                                      !
2.1.2 API dimension
!Requirement.                           !Comment                               !
!The web application must be made aware !To be able to inform user and take    !
!of that the connection with the server !action. Out of scope for RTC-Web?     !
!has been dropped                       !                                      !
!The web application must be made aware !To be able to inform user and take    !
!of when streams from a peer are no     !action (one of the peers still has    !
!longer received                        !connection with the server)           !
2.1.3 Functional dimension
!Requirement.                           !Comment                               !
!The browser must detect when no streams!                                      !
!are received from a peer               !                                      !


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