The proposal is an optimization of these crude hacks. Authors using such
hacks are unlikely to stop using them because the optimization does not
work on deployed clients.

What will happen is that people using the proposed feature will intro-
duce subtle bugs in their code (like calling .execute() in some place
but not in another which works 99% of the time on the test systems but

First of all, you're making quite a few assumptions which YOU have no proof of. The people who are vocal on here asking for this feature are responsible, seasoned developers, who've been in the trenches of JavaScript and web development for many years. We're also authors and maintainers of publicly consumed and widely used tools (script loaders, etc), and we know exactly how to responsibly use the feature we are asking for. I can't speak to if other devs will possibly do it wrong, but there's PLENTY in both HTML and in JavaScript specs which can (and is, regularly) abused by ignorant developers. That something *can* be abused is not proof it will be, nor is it a reason to deny it from the people who clearly know how to use it correctly.

Secondly, and more importantly, as I've said several times already in this thread... **THIS IS NOT JUST ABOUT THE MOBILE PERFORMANCE** I'm not sure why some people in this thread insist on focusing on arguing that point (ad nauseum) to the exclusion of the other parts of the conversation. Combine that with the others who want to play semantics games over what we call something, and the bikeshedding is getting out of hand.

Talking about how deferring a script's "execution" can help mobile performance seemed like a simple way to illustrate a usage of the feature being requested, especially since there was hard evidence and established research done by a pretty well known/respected/intelligent group -- the Gmail Mobile team.

If we were to completely throw out the mobile performance use-case, and ONLY consider the others (of which I've documented several), could we get this conversation back on track instead of these side paths of argument over issues which don't really matter to the overall validity of the request/proposal?

Even if the mobile performance use-case were thrown out, I'd still be advocating for the other use-cases and requesting this functionality as a result. I think I can safely speak for Nicholas and Steve in my assertions that there are other valid reasons this functionality is important besides just deferring execution to avoid CPU-bottlenecking on mobile.


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