On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 22:09:26 +0200, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
Christoph Päper wrote:

A new type is probably not necessary, because a new attribute that is
called something like ‘unit’ and is only valid in the ‘number’ and
‘range’ states could be enough.

  <input type="number" id="fontsize" value="12" unit="pt">

I don't quite see the point (no pun intended). It seems that the
unit="pt" attribute just says that the input number will be
interpreted as a number of points, i.e. a certain unit will be
implied. This sounds unnecessary, as the form data processing can
handle such things without any extra attributes.

Or do you mean that the presence of the unit="..." attribute would
trigger a special implementation of numeric input, so that the user is
expected to enter both a number and a unit, with the latter defaulted
according to the unit attribute?

For me it would be great that a UA would implement an numberic input with a visible but unchanged unit. Something like an <input>+<span> but the span
looking to be inside the input.
     ^------ cursor would not pass this point


This is more interesting for other types of input, not necessarily numeric,
like IPv4, currencies, HH:MM, ..

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