
there are now two different sets of APIs public, one documented in the spec 
 and one sent the other day 

A quick look at the API sets gives me the impression that they are on a top 
level quite similar. The model and the level of the two API sets seem to be 
more or less the same. The first set seem to me clearer, more thought through 
and better documented. The second one also lacks the possibility to send text 
peer-to-peer, something that can be very important for certain cases (e.g. 

I could go on discussing details, but my main message is: given that the two 
API sets are, on a top level, quite similar, would we not be better off 
selecting one of them, and use this as a basis for further discussion, testing 
and refinement? 

Working on two parallel tracks could waste implementation efforts, lead to non 
converging parallel discussions and possibly end up in a fragmented situation.

My view is that a good way forward would be to use the API set in the spec as 
starting point, and propose enhancements/additions to it. 


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