On Thu, 10 Feb 2011, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> One particular issue that hasn't had much discussion here yet is the 
> issue of how to deal with multitrack media resources or media resources 
> that have associated synchronized audio and video resources. I'm 
> concretely referring to such things as audio descriptions, sign language 
> video, and dubbed audio tracks.
> We require an API that can expose such extra tracks to the user and to 
> JavaScript. This should be independent of whether the tracks are 
> actually inside the media resource or are given as separate resources, 

I think there's a big difference between multiple tracks inside one 
resource and multiple tracks spread amongst multiple resources: in the 
former case, one would need a single set of network state APIs (load 
algorithm, ready state, network state, dimensions, buffering state, etc), 
whereas in the second case we'd need N set of these APIs, one for each 
media resource.

Given that the current mechanism for exposing the load state of a media 
resource is a media element (<video>, <audio>), I think it makes sense to 
reuse these elements for loading each media resource even in a multitrack 
scenario. Thus I do not necessarily agree that exposing extra tracks 
should be done in a way that as independent of whether the tracks are 
in-band or out-of-band.

> but should be linked to the main media resource through markup.

What is a "main media resource"?

e.g. consider youtubedoubler.com; what is the main resource?

Or similarly, when watching the director's commentary track on a movie, is 
the commentary the main track, or the movie?

> I am bringing this up now because solutions may have an influence on the 
> inner workings of TimedTrack and the <track> element, so before we have 
> any implementations of <track>, we should be very certain that we are 
> happy with the way in which it works - in particular that <track> 
> continues to stay an empty element.

I don't really see why this would be related to text tracks. Those have 
their own status framework, and interact directly with a media element. 
Looking again at the youtubedoubler.com example, one could envisage both 
sides having text tracks. They wouldn't be joint tracks.

On Mon, 14 Feb 2011, Jeroen Wijering wrote:
> In terms of solutions, I lean much towards the manifest approach. The 
> other approaches are options that each add more elements to HTML5, 
> which:
> * Won't work for situations outside of HTML5.
> * Postpone, and perhaps clash with, the addition of manifests.

Manifests, and indeed any solution that relies on a single media element, 
would make it very difficult to render multiple video tracks independently 
(e.g. side by side vs picture-in-picture). That's not to say that 
manifests shouldn't work, but I think we'd need another solution as well.

> *) The CSS styling issue can be fixed by making a conceptual change to 
> CSS and text tracks. Instead of styling text tracks, a single "text 
> rendering area" for each video element can be exposed and styled. Any 
> text tracks that are enabled push data in it, which is automatically 
> styled according to the video.textStyle/etc rules.

This wouldn't work well with positioned captions.

> *) Discoverability is indeed an issue, but this can be fixed by defining 
> a common track API for signalling and enabling/disabling tracks:
> {{{
> interface Track {
>   readonly attribute DOMString kind;
>   readonly attribute DOMString label;
>   readonly attribute DOMString language;
>   const unsigned short OFF = 0;
>   const unsigned short HIDDEN = 1;
>   const unsigned short SHOWING = 2;
>   attribute unsigned short mode;
> };
> interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
>   [...]
>   readonly attribute Track[] tracks;
> };
> }}}

There's a big difference between text tracks, audio tracks, and video 
tracks. While it makes sense, for instance, to have text tracks enabled 
but not showing, it makes no sense to do that with audio tracks. 
Similarly, video tracks need their own display area, but text tracks need 
a video track's display area. A single video area can display one video 
(multiple overlapping videos being achieved by multiple playback areas), 
but multiple audio and text tracks can be mixed together without any 
difficulty (mixing in one audio channel, or positioning over one video 
display area, respectively).

So I'm not sure a single "tracks" API makes sense.

On Wed, 16 Feb 2011, Eric Winkelman wrote:
> We're working with multitrack MPEG transport streams, and have an 
> implementation of the TimedTrack interface integrating with in-band 
> metadata tracks.  Our prototype uses the Metadata Cues to synchronize a 
> JavaScript application with a video stream using the stream's embedded 
> EISS signaling.  This approach is working very well so far.
> The biggest issue we've faced is that there isn't an obvious way to tell 
> the browser application what type of information is contained within the 
> metadata track/cues.  The Cues can contain arbitrary text, but neither 
> the Cue, nor the associated TimedTrack, has functionality for specifying 
> the format/meaning of that text.
> Our current implementation uses the Cue's @identifier for a MIME type, 
> and puts the associated metadata into the Cue's text field using XML.  
> This works, but requires the JavaScript browser application to examine 
> the cues to see if they contain information it understands.  It also 
> requires the video player to follow this convention for Metadata 
> TimedTracks.
> Adding a @type attribute to the Cues would certainly help, though it 
> would still require the browser application to examine individual cues 
> to see if they were useful.
> An alternate approach would be to add a @type attribute to the <track> 
> tag/TimedTrack that would specify the mime type for the associated cues.  
> This would allow a browser application to determine from the TimedTrack 
> whether or not it needed to process the associated cues.

On Thu, 17 Feb 2011, Eric Winkelman wrote:
> MPEG transport streams, as used for commercial TV, will often contain 
> multiple types of metadata: content advisories, ad insertion 
> opportunities, interactive TV application triggers, etc.  If we were 
> getting this information out-of-band we would, as you suggest, know how 
> to deal with it.  We would use multiple @kind=metadata tracks, with the 
> correct handler associated with each track.  In our case, however, this 
> information is all coming in-band.
> There is information within the MPEG transport stream that identifies 
> the types of metadata being carried.  This lets the video player know, 
> for example, that the stream has a particular track with application 
> triggers, and another one with content advisories.  To be consistent 
> with the out-of-band tracks, we envision the player creating separate 
> TimedTrack elements for each type of metadata, and adding the associated 
> data as cues.  But there isn't a clear way for the player to indicate 
> the type of metadata it's putting into each of these TimedTrack cues.
> Which brings us to the mime types.  I have an event handler on the 
> <video> tag that fires when the player creates a new metadata track, and 
> this handler tries to figure out what to do with the track.  Without a 
> type on the track, I have to set another handler on the track that fires 
> when the player creates a cue, and tries to figure out what to do from 
> the cue.  As there is no type on the cue either, I have to examine the 
> cue location/text to see if it contains metadata I'm able to handle.
> This all works, but it requires event handlers on tracks that may have 
> no interest to the application.  On the player side, it depends on the 
> player tagging the metadata in a consistent ad-hoc way, as well as 
> requiring the player to create separate metadata tracks.  (We also 
> considered starting the cue's text with a mime type, but this has the 
> same basic issues.)

This is an interesting problem.

What is the way that the MPEG streams identify these various metadata 
streams? Is it a MIME type? Some other identifier? Is this identifier 
separate from the track's label, or is it the track's label?

On Mon, 28 Mar 2011, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> We haven't allowed caption tracks to start with a different 
> startTimeOffset than the video, nor are we allowing to give them a 
> different playbackRate to the video.

It's relatively easy to do it for text tracks: you just take a text track 
and recreate it with different timings (something that can be done in a 
few lines of JavaScript given the API we expose). So there's no need for 
it to be explicit.

For synchronising <video> and <audio>, we should expose multiple tracks 
starting at different offsets because it is easy to achieve yet provides 
numerous opportunities for authors. For example, it's not uncommon to want 
to compare two movies which have similar moments; showing such 
similarities would require either video editing or, if we allowed offsets, 
could be done merely by pointing to two movie files with appropriate 

> Tracks in a multitrack resource (no matter if in-band or external files) 
> are rather tightly authored to cover the exact same timeline in my 
> experience.

Sure. But it would be silly to only support one use case when with minimal 
effort we could support a vastly greater number of use cases, including 
many we have not yet considered.

This is one of those situations where not supporting something actually 
requires more API complexity than supporting it. We are rarely faced with 
such an opportunity.

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011, Jer Noble wrote:
> On Mar 27, 2011, at 8:01 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
> > 
> > * playing tracks at different rates
> In addition to the limitation listed above, efficient playback of tracks 
> at different rates will require all tracks to be played in the same 
> direction.

I've changed the MediaController feature so that he playbackRate and 
defaultPlaybackRate features of the MediaController trump the video/audio 
elements' features when there is a media controller. At some future date 
we can add an attribute to the media controller that enables individual 
rate control when set.

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> Independent of the solution that we choose, we have to define what the 
> common timeline is for the combined resource.

I assume here you mean that we have to expose a "currentTime" for the 
MediaController, and/or use the same clock for all combined tracks.

> I think we should probably go with the mental model of what it would be 
> when it was really all encapsulated in a single resource. Thus, if a 
> slave resource is longer than the main resource, it actually changes the 
> duration of the combined resource. Thus, we really should have a model 
> for that duration. Shorter is easier to deal with since you can just 
> pretend it is a transparent video or silent audio where it lacks 
> duration.

I don't think it makes sense to think of a resource's length being 
changed by another resource. I agree that it makes sense to expose the 
overall length, but that doesn't affect the length of individual tracks in 
the group.

> Also, independent of the model, we have to have a common understanding 
> if the currentTime and thus a combined transport bar. By default it 
> makes sense to display that combined transport bar so the user has a 
> means to interact with the multitrack resource.

I've updated the spec to expose the total duration of the tracks based on 
the currently slaved media elements, and the current position relative to 
that total duration.

One difficulty with this is how to deal with looping tracks. I'm not sure 
what the right solution is for that. I see several obvious options; there 
are others too:

 * Have looping tracks shorter than the longest be repeated (a "fill" 
   approach) -- but then how do you deal with the longest track repeating 
   if it's not a multiple of the shorter tracks?

 * Have looping happen only when all the tracks have reached the end.

 * Ignore looping when you're synchronised.

For now I've gone with the last one (ignore looping), mostly because I 
don't see high-priority and compelling use cases for it.

> > But we can fix that in a later version. It's much harder to fix in the 
> > case of one media element being promoted to a different state than the 
> > others, since we already have defined what the media element API 
> > does.)
> One thing that I would really like to see is a common menu for turning 
> on and off tracks. This is particularly important if you have audio 
> description tracks, so a blind user can immediately find out if such a 
> track is available and activate it.

The spec supports turning on and off in-band audio tracks from the UA UI; 
this gets exposed in the audioTracks attribute. I've added an event that 
fires on that object when the set of tracks is changed.

For out-of-band video tracks, the user can pause and play any track that 
has an <audio> element exposing controls, so there's no need for a 
separate menu. However, to make this easier I've changed the spec to say 
that if there is a menu of audio resources, it should also include the 
audio tracks from any other media elements, possibly defaulting to using 
the name given in the "title" track.

For <video> tracks I don't understand how we could do it in practice, 
since the UA has no way to know what the page author intends in terms of 
video element positioning. I guess we could just have the video tracks 
positioned the way that the video stream says they should be positioned 
and not allow the tracks to be repositioned. Is that desireable? What 
happens if a video with a known position is enabled while a full-frame 
video is enabled, and then the full-frame video is disabled? Should the 
smaller one full the whole frame? Remain its size? These questions and 
others like them are why I've left this unsupported for now.

On Wed, 30 Mar 2011, Jer Noble wrote:
> >>> * changing any of the above while media is playing vs when it is 
> >>> stopped
> >> 
> >> Modifying the media groups while the media is playing is probably 
> >> impossible to do without stalling.  The media engine may have thrown 
> >> out unneeded data from disabled tracks and may have to rebuffer that 
> >> data, even in the case of in-band tracks.
> > 
> > That makes sense. There's several ways to handle this; the simplest is 
> > probably to say that when the list of synchronised tracks is changed, 
> > or when the individual offsets of each track or the individual 
> > playback rates of each track are changed, the playback of the entire 
> > group should be automatically stopped. Is that sufficient?
> I would say that, instead, it would be better to treat this as similar 
> to seeking into an unbuffered region of a media file.  Some implementers 
> will handle this case better than others, so this seems to be a Quality 
> of Service issue.

That works for me.

> The distinction between a master media element and a master media 
> controller is, in my mind, mostly a distinction without a difference.  
> However, a welcome addition to the media controller would be convenience 
> APIs for the above properties (as well as playbackState, networkState, 
> seekable, and buffered).

I'm not sure what networkState in this context. playbackState, assuming 
you mean 'paused', is already exposed.

I've added .buffered and .seekable, they exposes the intersection of the 
slaved media elements' corresponding ranges.

(For the record, .duration and .currentTime are the other two attributes I 
added. The timeline of a MediaController is always 0 to duration, where 0 
is the earliest possible position of each track, and the duration is the 
difference between the earliest possible position and the duration of the 
longest track. See below regarding offsets.)

> The case for a master media element is those APIs already exist and 
> would simply need to be repurposed. But adding new API to the 
> MediaController to achieve the same functionality would, again in my 
> mind, eliminate the remaining distinction between a master media element 
> and a media controller.

Well there's one big difference between what a controller exposes and what 
a media element exposes: the media element's buffered ranges, for 
instance, might be bigger than the intersection of all the element's 
buffered ranges.

On Wed, 30 Mar 2011, Philip Jägenstedt wrote:
> Having in-band tracks change between being in sync (same offset and 
> rate) and being out of sync (different offset or rate) would be a major 
> head-ache.

Originally, the tracks could be offset because their .currentTime 
attributes were advanced at a fixed rate, and the MediaController didn't 
have any concept of the currentTime, so just changing the currentTime of 
a media element offset the video by the difference between the old and 
new values.

Now that we have an overall .duration, it becomes kind of weird that you 
can change the currentTime of each video in turn, and when you change the 
first one, the controller's "duration" changes, and then suddenly when you 
change the last slaved media elements's currentTime, the duration changes 

On the other hand it's even more weird to have a mutable attribute which 
you can change (the .currentTime on each track), but where the change has 
no effect. And it seems just as confusing to have multiple attributes 
(.currentTime on each track) where when you set one, it resets the others.

But we presumably do want the attribute to return a useful value, since 
that's an easy way to tell where a track is relative to its own starting 
and ending points.

Let's consider these options explicitly:

 1. Setting .currentTime on a media element is ignored or throws an 
    exception when there's a controller.
 2. Setting .currentTime on a media element with a controller changes
    the .currentTime on the controller.
 3. Setting .currentTime on a media element shifts the playback position
    on that controller, shifting the alignment of this track against the 
    other tracks.

Option 3 seems the most intuitive from a "this API actually does 
something" point of view, but it raises questions of its own:

First, what happens when two elements that are not synchronised get 
synchronised? Should they keep playing where they are currently playing, 
or should we snap the playback position somehow? Should the order of 
adding tracks matter?

There is one reason to prefer the otherwise unintuitive snapping behaviour 
(i.e. resetting .currentTime on the track when you join it to other 
tracks), namely that if someone misuses the API by waiting for the tracks 
to load and start playing and only _then_ syncs them together, they'll be 
slightly offset from each other leading to lip sync issues and the like.

Second, what happens when you change the .currentTime of a track that 
currently is not playing because the .currentTime of the MediaController 
is out of the range of playable content for the track? If we have a model 
where setting .currentTime introduces an offset, then it means you can 
only set an offset while the track's side of that offset is within the 
currently playable region, you couldn't for example set an offset of two 
seconds on a track that was a minute shorter than another if the Media-
Controller was at that point playing back the content at the end of the 
longer track, since currentTime can't go beyond duration.

These questions suggest that actually using the API that option 3 would 
give us would be quite frustrating, which is never a good sign.

Even after staring at a whiteboard for a while trying to work out how to 
make this API work, I really don't see a good way to make currentTime 
across the MediaController and the media elements work.

For now I've gone with making .currentTime on media elements throw an 
exception when they're controlled by a controller. This is by no means 
ideal, but it has the advantage of "front-loading" all the unexpected 
behaviour: as soon as someone tries to implement a seek bar on top of this 
they'll find the problems, rather than the confusing behaviour being 
pushed to the edge cases.

Finally, one issue that was raised on IRC but not mentioned in e-mail is 
that the design decision of going with a MediaController object rather 
than overloading HTMLMediaElement to handle both the slave and master 
modes means that one can't reuse existing video UI scripts in a 
multi-track environment.

I looked at this, but I couldn't find a good way to make such scripts work 
with the master/slave overloading case either. There would always be some 
edge case that breaks, e.g. if some slave track is longer than the master, 
or if the whole thing stalls because of a slave, or if the tracks are 
various infinite streams with slightly different initial offsets, etc.

I have, however, made sure that the MediaController API is similar enough 
to the media element API so that the adjustments one would have to make 
should be pretty minimal.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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