As far as I am concerned, I am fine with all of these solutions. I was just 
thinking that an application descriptor could be extended over time with 
additional information and maybe even contain the files required for offline 
caching. Of course this could also be done the other way around and the offline 
cache manifest could be turned into a web application manifest containing all 
the information about the application. Maybe we could even include the 
robots.txt information into the manifest?

Am 29.04.2011 um 17:33 schrieb Alexandre Morgaut:

> Oops I did it again !!!
> A direct Reply which did not include the whatgw list
> Thanx Simon for pointing it out, the direct response was not done 
> intentionally ;-)
> So here my comments:
>> Am 29.04.2011 um 11:34 schrieb Alexandre Morgaut:
>>> Hi Simon,
>>> The user interface proposal looks interesting.
>>> Please, think to turn your system into english for your screenshoots ;-)
>>> I'm just not sure it should be handled via an external xml file, but why 
>>> not...
> Note that the XML format is actually used for sitemaps and rss feeds, 
> openSearch descriptions, ...
> so it is still an option
>>> Other solutions could be:
>>> 1 - Robots.txt like file
>>> With a simpler syntax, as it has been chosen for the Offline cache manifest
>>> ex:
>>> LOCATION: on
>>> CAMERA: on
>>> STORAGE: 100MB
> Of course, as Simon replied to me, robots.txt, the offline cache manifest, 
> and this application manifest may even be merged
>>> 2 - Simple Meta elements
>>> Via multiple meta tags
>>> <meta name="Permission" content="location">
>>> <meta name="Permission" content="storage; size=100MB">
>>> <meta name="Permission" content="notifications">
>>> Potentially grouped into a single meta tag
>>> <meta name="Permission" content="location, camera, storage; size=100MB, 
>>> notifications">
>>> 3 - HTTP headers with Meta http-equiv support
>>> Via multiple headers
>>> Webapp-Permission: location
>>> Webapp-Permission: storage; size=100MB
>>> Potentially grouped into a single header
>>> Webapp-Permission: location, camera, storage; size=100MB, notifications
>>> with the Meta element equivalent
>>> <meta http-equiv="Webapp-Permission" content="location, camera, storage; 
>>> size=100MB, notifications">
>>> 4 - and/or a JavaScript method
>>> window.requestPermissions(
>>>   {
>>>       location: true,
>>>       storage: 100000
>>>   }
>>> );
> Alexandre Morgaut
> Product Manager
> 4D SAS
> 60, rue d'Alsace
> 92110 Clichy
> France
> Standard : +33 1 40 87 92 00
> Email :
> Web :

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