On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer

> This is a pretty awesome way to publish a record of your slide
> presentation.

I am working to create software to automate the Timing process..
I did automated timing long back when I started Eduvid -
Hopefully I will be able to create better software where when you click
next/forward, your timings will be saved alongwidth your slidenumber.

> It would, for example, be cool to use the slide deck at
> http://slides.html5rocks.com/ with popcorn.js in the way that you're
> proposing.
Yes, this is the next process. I am investigating lots of slideshow method.
We really need a final version of html based slideshow.

> I could, for example, imagine it working well with something like my
> talk at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kazYydCmQw and the slides at
> http://www.html5videoguide.net/presentations/HTML5_Video_LCA2011/ . I
> should take some time to set that up...
Please try to create, And Then compare the total size of video vs total size
of slidecasting.
Your demo include videos, so it may be little difficult to create
slideshow... using current demo.
Also try audacity or/and OggConvert to lower down the size of audio.. This
will be a nice case study on how we can send more with less bandwidth.

I am particular interested in this type of slidecasting because I do not
like Videos for education. Video one single pipe and every information is
lost inside it. Having Multi-Pipe delivery for education is better way
because you can manipulate any pipe later or serve your pipes according to
your bandwidth. imazine your slidecasting contains videos, html5 slides,
audio. So when someone sitting in India (with less bandwidth) want to see
your demo, he will turn off the video pipe and rest will be delivered to

> Cheers,
> Silvia.
> On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 7:50 AM, Narendra Sisodiya
> <naren...@narendrasisodiya.com> wrote:
> > I hope this demo will help to who who want html5 version of slidecasting
> > technique.
> > There is big room or improvement in the codebase.
> >
> > http://code.narendrasisodiya.com/slidecast/demo-slidecasting.html
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > --
> > ┌─────────────────────────┐
> > │    Narendra Sisodiya
> > │    http://narendrasisodiya.com
> > └─────────────────────────┘
> >

│    Narendra Sisodiya
│    http://narendrasisodiya.com

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