Sorry for repetition, but we can already preload images and CSS and apply them to the page at an arbitrary point in time. Why wouldn't we want the same thing for JavaScript?

I think the question is whether you want _more_ than that for JavaScript.

For images, you can preload them and choose when they're shown, but
_cannot_ choose when they're decoded.

For CSS, you can preload it and choose when it's applied but _cannot_
generally choose when it's parsed.

For JS, you want to be able to preload it and control when it's executed
(in the sense that the side-effects it causes become visible).  The
question is whether control is also needed over exactly when
side-effect-free preprocessing of the script happens.

The spirit of the proposals is NOT to directly control when parsing happens, but seeking relief from the current situation, where execution (and thus obviously parsing before it) must happen basically right after download finishes. To achieve deferral of execution until a desired time, the current UA tech forces an author to perform the download of a script at times when it's not necessarily most efficient (such as lazy-loading long after the keep-alive is past, or the mobile device's radio has powered down).

We simply want to separate download from execution, so that each can happen independently, when a performance optimization expert feels its best for them to happen.

Furthermore, if implementations, as a first pass, chose to still insist that parsing happened right after download, even though execution could be controlled and deferred until later, this would IMHO still solve the majority use-case ("deferring execution") and would simply leave the minority use-case ("performance of parsing") unaddressed.

BUT, and this is the big key, it would provide a clear future path for implementors to improve this performance, by them getting smarter about putting off parsing until some later time, because it would stretch out (possibly significantly) the time window in which a UA has to parse that script. Right now, a UA must parse it nearly immediately as its going to then execute it right away. In our proposals, the UA would often have a much larger window to find the more optimal time to decide.

And in the worst case scenario, where the author asks to execute a script before the UA has elected to passively do the parsing, we're no worse off than we are currently, because the UA would simply force the parse to happen right away, and then execute. Worst case: no worse; Best case: parsing happens at a more optimal/idle time.

We're not seeking to directly control when parsing happens, but seeking to indirectly affect it (for the positive) by making it so that it's possible (now or in the future) that UA's don't have to bog down a device (main UI thread or background thread) *right now* with parsing of a script if I as an author have clearly indicated (by not marking the script for immediate execution) that I intend to defer its execution until *later* (if ever).


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