On 07/02/2011 12:25 AM, Michael Davidson wrote:
From my perspective on Gmail, I would prefer to know if the user hasn't
registered because they declined previously or haven't been asked. If
they've declined previously, then calling registerProtocolHandler() in
today's UAs will not do anything. If I can't detect that state, then they'll
keep clicking and I'll keep calling and they'll get frustrated.
I'd prefer if isRegistered() was something like registeredState() and
returned REGISTERED, DECLINED, or NOTASKED. Then I could make a UI that
really reflects reality.
Shouldn't there be also something like "NOTANSWERED", if user hasn't yet
decided whether to accept registering or not.
Though, I wonder if there is some privacy issue related to
isRegistered/registeredState(). Or there is - web app can
know whether it is being used as the default protocol handler
for some protocol, say mailto: with GMail.
But is the privacy issue bad enough to worry about?
Safer option would be if registeredState() would just return