Am 06.09.2011 um 08:36 schrieb Ashley Sheridan:

> On Tue, 2011-09-06 at 07:15 +0200, Karl Dubost wrote:
>> Le 5 sept. 2011 à 15:07, Anselm Hannemann - Novolo Designagentur a écrit :
>> > Why should we use inline-styles once again? Why should we load content 
>> > images with CSS? What about accessibility? Where to add alt-attribute / 
>> > title / ARIA etc.?
>> Not exactly what is happening.
>> There is a URI with an image without a javascript and/or CSS activated.
>> The CSS changes the image dynamically depending on the user experience 
>> context controlled by mediaqueries.
> Yes, but the point is, the alternative images you may want to display for 
> visitors on a smaller screen/resolution could be completely different from 
> the original image (cropped shot not showing all the detail, etc). Ergo, you 
> lose the accessibility because you now can't textually represent it in the 
> alt tag.

Right you hit the nail on the head. And, by the way, how should we work with 
your solution, Karl, and a CMS or CSS files from a static domain? Is no one 
building a dynamic site?

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