A far greater problem is the lack of standardization of a protocol for comment submittal. If the IETF were to standardize such a protocol, would it not make more sense to distribute comments via the same channel? That seems like a cleaner long-term solution than changing every stream format out there to enable in-band comment transfer. Classes are a good enough interim solution.

Þann þri  6.sep 2011 19:28, skrifaði Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis:
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Jukka K. Korpela<jkorp...@cs.tut.fi>  wrote:
Self-containedness is relative. But this does not mean it is empty concept.
And if it were, why use it at all? Surely there is a difference between,
say, a blog entry or a newspaper article carefully crafted to stand on its
own, so that you can read it as such and take a position on it, and a
typical blog comment or a comment in an online news system where nobody
expects your comments to be in any way understandable outside the context.

One can draw all sorts of distinctions; not all of them need to be
expressed in markup.

From the definition of the article element:
> The article element represents a self-contained composition in a
> document, page, application, or site and that is, in principle,
> independently distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication.

By your logic that everything should be considered self-contained, as nothing is truly self-contained, anything could be marked up with the article element, rendering the element meaningless.
Such arguments could be used against _any_ new markup elements (and
any existing elements - do we really need much more elements than<a>
we can use metadata, styling, and scripting? :-)).

Why use <a> when you have onclick and a settable document.location? :)

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