On 9/10/11 10:39 PM, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
* Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On the other hand, this would presumably mostly be a problem for people
hand-writing data: URIs.  Any sort of data: URI generator would get this
right, as you point out.

(That seems very much like saying "Any sort of SQL query generator would
get this right."

Yes, it sort of does, especially if you want it to be pessimistic.  ;)

especially when adopting the proposal so you "normally"
don't "need to" "get this right".)

I think you misunderstand my position. I'm weakly against the proposal in question; the strongest argument in favor of the proposal is that there is either a current or future deployed base of data: URIs that won't work without it but do work in either past browsers or some subset of future ones.

Of course the simplest way to prevent the future URIs thing being a problem is for UAs that don't follow the URI spec here right now to fix that, but I haven't sensed much willingness to do that in the past, or earlier in this discussion. :(

Given the choice between converging on this proposal and the status quo in which UAs just do wildly different totally wacky things, I'd pick the proposal, I think....


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