On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:49 AM, João Eiras <jo...@opera.com> wrote:

> F11 and document.requestFullscreen() should produce exactly the same
> results, so, document.fullscreen would be enabled. And there's no reason not
> to (and otherwise would make the spec needlessly more complex).

There's no such thing as "document.requestFullscreen()" in the current
draft.  (It was suggested in passing on IRC, but it hasn't been discussed

There's definitely a reason that the fullscreen API can't act like
F11-fullscreen.  F11 causes the whole browser window to be fullscreened,
affecting all tabs in the window.  If you change tabs or create a new tab,
the browser window stays fullscreened.  It isn't exited on navigation.
Pages should no more be able to affect F11-fullscreen than they can resize
the browser window.

It's a completely separate fullscreen model from this API.  This spec
doesn't need to talk about it at all.

Glenn Maynard

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