any thoughts about minimising the security implications on this?

it makes it extremely easy to jump on a machine, open a browser page,
select a sensitive folder and upload it all to a remote server


On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Glenn Maynard <> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Kinuko Yasuda <> wrote:
>> The async nature of DirectoryEntry makes the code longer,
>> but webapps can work on the files incrementally and can show
>> progress UI while enumerating.  For the apps that may deal with
>> potentially huge folders providing such a scalable (but slightly
>> more cumbersome) way sounds reasonable to me.
> Entry (and subclasses) should also be supported by structured clone.  That
> would allow passing a DirectoryEntry received from file inputs to be passed
> to a worker.  This is something for later, of course, but combined with an
> API to convert between Entry and EntrySync (and DE/DESync), this would
> allow using the much more convenient sync API in a worker, even if the only
> way to retrieve the Entry in the first place is in the UI thread.
> I think this is a better solution to the inconvenience of async APIs than
> falling back to exposing unscalable sync interfaces in the main thread.
> This is one of the reasons we have workers.
> --
> Glenn Maynard

Zac Spitzer
Solution Architect / Director
Ennoble Consultancy Australia
+61 405 847 168

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