On 11/21/11 3:54 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
If the number of people who would benefit from explicit annotations is
small, I would be happy to add explicit annotations for those people.

Given that the set of people who would like to know about spec changes in "their" area probably includes all developers working on implementing the spec in Gecko, WebKit, Trident, and Presto, I suspect that its cardinality is probably greater than 100...

Another option is for someone (possibly me) to create a system whereby
people can subscribe to specific portions of the specification, and for a
tool to detect when a diff affects that portion and e-mail them. I'm not
exactly sure how to make that work, but if it's something people are
interested in, we could figure something out.

This could be interesting if new sections are added rarely enough....

"a" means "authors", "g" means "gecko", "i" means "internet explorer", "o"
means "opera", "w" means "webkit", and "t" means "tools".

Ah, ok. That's pretty coarse-grained, yeah. I probably don't have time to keep up with all the [g] changes... :(


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