On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 11:23 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Preventing _all_ loads for a document based on
> some declarative thing near the start of the document, on the other hand,
> should not be too bad.

A page-wide "disable optimizations" flag could easily be cargo-culted
into something harmful. Consider if the narrative becomes that setting
such a flag is good for mobile or something.

A per-element "disable optimizations" attribute would be slightly less
dangerous, since authors couldn't just set it once and forget it.

> If that plus a beforeprocess event addresses the
> majority of the web-facing use cases, we should consider adding that.

So what are the Web-facing use cases? As in: What are people trying to
accomplish with client-side transformations?

Henri Sivonen

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