Am 21.01.2012 15:19 schrieb Cameron Heavon-Jones:

On 20/01/2012, at 6:58 PM, Bronislav Klučka wrote:


There are two recent threads on localisation of form fields, one on input 
type=date, the other on the Decimal comma in numeric input. Both are about the 
question whether the form field value should be displayed according to the 
element's language, or rather based on the user's preferred locale. This looks 
like a basically interesting question to me; I see use cases for both:

Use case for using User's preferred locale:
- The user is viewing a website in a foreign language, using his/her own 

Use case for using the element's language:
- The user is viewing a website in his/her own language, but using a computer 
in an internet café in a foreign country (where (s)he might not even be able to 
change the language settings of the browser).

As some formats may be very different, both situations can lead to 
misunderstanding of the values displayed in the form, and thus wrong 
submissions. It was pointed out, that the comma may be a 1000 or a decimal 
separator. Or, dates are arranged differently, e.g. M/D/Y in English, but D.M.Y 
in German.

This makes me think, if UAs could be encouraged to invent some kind of UI for 
per-session overriding the localisation settings of both UA and website content.

I think translation is the word here and accurately identifies the potentially 
inaccurate process taking place.

Cameron Jones

No, localization is, localization goes beyond simple translation


Yes, but my point is that what is really desired here is translation, not 
localization. If the representation is within a specific language\locale and 
the user desires a different language\locale then that process is one of 
translation including transformation of localization.

I see that point. Reading the Decimal comma discussion, I am sure a simple per-session method to translate form input formats into other locales (without translating text) would be a handy thing, but I admit this list may not be the appropriate place to discuss it.

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