On Mon, 13 Feb 2012 14:59:09 -0000, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:
Well, UAs would fetch the images to be displayed first first, and then
prefetch images until they have more than a screenful of undisplayed
content loaded.

What does "screenful of undisplayed content" mean for some slide-deck site that just moves images in and out of view via script?

I would /expect/ such sites to use a static set of <img>s dynamically pointed to prefetched <link rel=prefetch> images. With emphasis on expect. Opera devs should be more knowledgeable on the compatibility problems this raises, considered they have partly backed out of deferring image loading already.

Not knowing the size makes it _impossible_ to do layout correctly. Again, UAs would only be able to skip getting images that have explicit height and width attributes.

On the contrary, if you've laid out two screenfuls you can guess that anything after that will not be in the aforeoutlaid* screenfuls.

And even then, things could be troublesome if the pseudo-clases for detecting loading state are added, since those could affect layout...

As I say, there are numerous compatibility problems. If image dimensions late in the document affect the layout of a previous part of the document, as you seem to hint at, then hell is loose if we don't know them. Guessing would be most unfortunate and surprising to layout designers.

* Well, the word does at least conform to the grammar of my native language :/

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