On 7.5.2012 12:11, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 9:32 AM, Bronislav Klučka
<bronislav.klu...@bauglir.com>  wrote:
I can see you are pushing for CSS because of presentation level, but
1/ you need to display currency or number, what would you do?
<span style="format-type: number; format-decimal-separator:
something like that? I can see that, but would be better something like
<data role=number value=123.22 style="format-type: number;
format-decimal-separator: ',';" />
<data role=currency value=2.22 char=$ style="format-type: number;
format-decimal-separator: ','; format-currency-format: 2" />
this could enhance machine processing capabilities.



Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

This was not about CSS properties (i just chose some names), it's about the fact, that CSS will only give you presentation, but this is about data, data with specific meaning (number, currency) and how to specify them one way and let those data be displayed localized... it would seem like a semantic loss not to use this text property - that it is specific data, something with clear semantics, not just some set of characters.

There can be number, currency, phone number, IP address...


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