On 7.5.2012 17:32, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 5/7/12 3:53 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
A bigger question is whether browsers really want to make it easier to do this or work on getting rid of the ability to phone home at/after unload altogether. My gut reaction every time I see pages doing it is that they're up to no good, and code inspection usually indicates that I'm right: the #1 use of this is for persistent user tracking.

"I see pages doing it is that they're up to no good" well that is your opinion, sure, we have all seen bad use of that, but removing functionality that has no replacement, can be used for useful thinks (well for bad as well) can hardly be reasonable, because you may not like some of its usage. I've seen several as well, but I also know about some useful usage, that either cannot be do other way or would require overhead.


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