On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Sami Eljabali <seljab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Because then they wouldn't be HMTL5 compliant vs not having a nifty
> feature. How would you push this forward being adopted? I'm mostly likely
> not thinking creatively enough.

Why would it be a part of HTML5 if vendors don't want to implement it?

Just because something has been proposed to be added to HTML5 doesn't mean
it will be supported by all browsers. In fact, if some vendors strongly
oppose, then we're going to remove it from the spec.

What you need to do first is to convince Microsoft and Apple that this is a
valuable feature they want to have instead of trying to circumvent the
process. Quite frankly, I would be opposed to adding this feature to WebKit
/ Chromium as well although I can't speak for my employer or the boarder
WebKit or Chromium open source communities.

- Ryosuke

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