Am 16.05.2012 um 00:06 schrieb Chris Heilmann:

> On 15/05/2012 22:46, Bruce Lawson wrote:
>> On Tue, 15 May 2012 22:18:51 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr. <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Andy Davies <> wrote:
>>>> Looking at the srcset proposal it appears to be recreating aspects of
>>>> media-queries in a terse less obvious form...
>>>> <img src="face-600-200 at 1.jpeg" alt=""
>>>>       srcset="face-600-200 at 1.jpeg 600w 200h 1x,
>>>>               face-600-200 at 2.jpeg 600w 200h 2x,
>>>>               face-icon.png       200w 200h">
>>>> We've already got media queries so surelt we should be using them to
>>>> determine which image should be used and if media-queries don't have
>>>> features we need then we should be extending them...
>>>> I'd like to see media-queries extended to support bandwidth, svg etc.,
>>>> then we give developers the option to detected features and choose
>>>> media types appropriately.
>>> The "600w 200h" bit can be directly translated into a media query -
>>> it's equivalent to "(max-width: 600px) and (max-height: 200px)".  It's
>>> collapsed into a custom syntax for terseness.
>> Just so I understand
>> 1) the 600w 200h bit replicates the functionality of the familiar Media 
>> Queries syntax but in a new unfamiliar microsyntax which many have argued is 
>> ugly, unintuitive and prone to error 
>> (
>> 2) The new bit is the descriptors of pixel density (1x 2x etc). This isn't 
>> "media queried" because the precise mechanism by which one image is chosen 
>> over the other is left to the UA to decide based upon heuristics. Those 
>> heuristics may be secret sauces that give a browser a competitive advantage 
>> over another; they may be based on data the browser has accumulated over 
>> time (On my current "Bruce's bedroom WiFi"  I know I have medium network 
>> speed but very low latency so I will tend to favour images with 
>> characteristic X) and so which aren't available to query with MQs because 
>> MQs are stateless; they may be based upon certain characteristics that could 
>> conceivably be available to MQs in the future (Do I support JS? Am I touch 
>> enabled?) but aren't yet.
>> Is that accurate?
>> I'm sympathetic to (2); why require a developer to think of and describe 
>> every permutation if the environment, when she could instead describe that 
>> which she knows - the images - and then allow the UA to take the decision. 
>> As time goes on, UAs get cleverer, so behaviour improves without the markup 
>> needing changing.
>> But it doesn't seem necessary to saddle authors with (1) to acheive (2), as 
>> far as I can see.
>> bruce-speaking-for-myself-not-Opera
> I also wonder what we do with videos? Surely they have the same issues and 
> there is no proposal for changing the syntax there. I do not like the syntax 
> of this. Yes it is more terse but it smacks of the horrible syntax of 
> properties and other comma separated visual attributes.
> From a semantic point of view this is a terrible mix of everything - 
> something that the picture proposal with multiple sources was not.
This is what I think, too.
> Let's not forget that this is a new use case - one that might get more 
> complex with more UA changes in the future. Maybe we have holographic images 
> soon with a X Y and Z position. Shoehorning this into the IMG element doesn't 
> make much sense to me.
> embed is the fallback to video with various sources. img is the fallback to 
> embed. I'd like to see picture - done like video for consistency as it is a 
> new use case for images. Old browsers could disregard them and new ones can 
> use mediaqueries to apply the different sources as needed. Yes, mediaqueries 
> do not all the things we need here and browsers have bugs loading various 
> sources instead of only one but these are things to fix in the browser 
> engines, not add an extra use case in the spec.
And that is a reason why picture is (imo) the better option. It is far more 
flexible to future changes of media.
I also don't think we need a now working solution but a solution that work for 
the next couple of years (maybe 10yrs or more). I also won't say picture is the 
best way to go but it is far better than the proposal that made it in some 
"draft" earlier this day.


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