On Wed, 16 May 2012 19:48:04 +0100, Matthew Wilcox <m...@matthewwilcox.com> wrote:

First off I know that a number of people say this is not possible. I
am not wanting to argue this because I don't have the knowledge to
argue it - but I do want to understand why, and currently I do not.
Please also remember that I can only see this from an authors
perspective as I'm ignorant of the mechanics of how these things work

The idea is to have something like:

<link media="min-bandwidth:0.5mps" ... />
<link media="min-bandwidth:1mps" ... />
<link media="min-bandwidth:8mps" ... />

This make an obvious kind of sense to an author.

What would happen in this scenario:

I'm in a cafe with free WiFi browsing on my phone, I have 8mbps bandwidth. I open the page and read it (it could be a webapp or a long article that stays open for a long time).

I leave the cafe, my bandwidth drops to 1mbps, but I still have the same page open.

Should the design change? Should the browser throw away all high-res images it has downloaded and re-download them in poor quality?

What when I reload or browse to a next subpage? My browser still has high-res images in the cache. Should it now apply low-end design and re-download all images in poor quality?

regards, Kornel

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