Hi Silvia,

[trimming a bit the text to keep the email short]

Le 7/27/2012 12:35 AM, Silvia Pfeiffer a écrit :

There is the SVG viewbox and there is the video viewbox. It is not
immediately clear how they relate to each other. What I meant was: how
to position the SVG viewbox within the boundaries of the video
viewbox. It could fully cover it, but it may not need to. For example
in your example with the clock, it could be positioned by coordinates
of the video, e.g. left: 70%, top:30% or something like it. Then the
SVG can be much smaller and it is possible to overlay other elements,
I understand. What I'm saying is: when SVG is used as track, make it simple, both viewboxes are the same.

You could, however, put SVG in WebVTT e.g. to provide overlay graphics
that are non-moving or are in a loop for a certain duration of the
video. E.g. an animated character (like your Rhino) could be rendered
in a loop on top of a video for the first 3 minutes of the video.
Agreed, why not.

I don't want to take this discussion off track, but it is news to me
that TTML can express frame-based animations.
I indeed wouldn't mingle WebVTT and TTML layering since they satisfy
the same use cases.
I've seen examples like that, used to carry DVB subtitles, urgh!

How does the browser support constructing SVG progressively right now?
If there is a SVG-internal solution, that should be used. In this
case, @mediagroup synchronization would again make the most sense. Or
you just do everything in SVG.
Browsers construct SVG progressively right now as they do for HTML. The parser parses the data as it receives it. @mediagroup is indeed a solution but the track has other advantages. Controlling the time when the data is received for instance with inband stored track is one.

No, not really. What I meant was to draw the blue handle on top of the
video not through cues, but directly in the browser. Then, the WebVTT
file only delivers the according position changes for that particular
time and all you need to do in JavaScript is to change the handle
position in the SVG. That makes the WebVTT slimmer and not contain any
SVG at all.
Right, but that again requires JS, and hence incurs some processing penalty. And also, this requires a dedicated authoring while using an SVG track, you could just use any existing tool.

The basic Track interface would be almost the same as the VideoTrack or
AudioTrack. The GraphicsDocumentTrack interface would be used for tracks
which have an underlying document (TTML, SVG, SMIL?, HTML?...) with a visual
representation and not necessarily based on cues. For these documents, you
are not interested in cues or cue changes (and it might not make sense to
define cues). For these, you're only interested in:
- the dispatch of the track content to the parser being done automatically
by the browser (no need to use a JS DOMParser);
- the rendering of the underlying document being synchronized (natively) by
the browser, i.e. the timeline of the underlying document should be locked
with the timeline of the video (or audio). No need to monitor cue changes to
render the right SVG.
You could discriminate between a TextTrack and a GraphicsDocumentTrack by a
mime type or the inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType (not sure...). When the
track carries SVG, the trackDocument object could be an SVGDocument. This
would allow for controlling the SVG as if it was embedded in the HTML but
for the synchronization done by the browser. What do you think?
Why does it have to be a track at all? Video and audio can be
synchronized to each other without one needing to be a track of the
other. To use @mediagroup, you might need to consider what an SVG
graphic has to provide for the MediaController [1]. There is no
need to consider cues and tracks - we seem to agree on that. :-)
We seem to agree on many things but not all ;)
We agree that there are use cases for SVG graphics synchronize and overlayed on top of a video and that @mediagroup is a solution.
The track mechanism (without cue) has several advantages:
- synchronization equivalent to the @mediagroup solution
- reuse of SVG native behavior (progressive loading) equivalent to the @mediagroup solution - selectability of the track using the default UI controls, just like with subtitles, without needing specific controls. - rendering on top of the video (just like subtitles) without interfering with the UI controls.
- unified handling of out-of-band and in-band SVG tracks.
Note, that this would be perfectly applicable to HTML/CSS animations on top of a video. It is just enlarging the scope of tracks, currently restricted (except for video and audio) to cue-based formats and text only.


Cyril Concolato
Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor
Groupe Multimedia/Multimedia Group
Telecom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault
75 013 Paris, France

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