On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:

> I'm hoping that browsers in general will be able to converge on the
> encoding databases that they have. Both as far as which encodings are
> supported, and as far as what encoding tables those encodings support.
> Anne's spec is a great first step in that direction. It'll definitely
> take time before we have full convergence, but I see no reason that we
> couldn't get there eventually. We were able to get there with HTML5
> parsing after all :-)

MS has given a flat refusal to change the encoding tables in any way.

Personally I'm inclined to not care which encoding tables we use for legacy
encodings.  Rather than fight this battle and end up without interoperable
tables at all, it might be better to punt this one and standardize on
Microsoft's tables and be done with it.  (Sorry for the slight tangent;
this is an Encoding topic, not a StringEncoding issue.)

Glenn Maynard

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