On Mon, 03 Sep 2012 03:37:24 +0200, Charles Pritchard <ch...@jumis.com> wrote:

Canvas GPU acceleration today is done via transform3d and transitions.

I hope everyone are aware that this connection is just coincidental. The fact that one vendor decided to flip the hardware acceleration switch when there was a 3d-transform doesn't mean everyone will. Hardware acceleration and 3d-transforms are separate features. 3d transforms should be available in software rendering as well.

Most [installed] GPUs are not able to accelerate the Canvas path drawing mechanism.
They are able to take an array of floats for WebGL, though.

It's true that there are no dedicated hardware for rendering paths in the GPUs of today, but they are very good at rendering line segments and triangle strips and paths can be triangulated. With some preprocessing paths can even be rendered directly using shaders http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/cloop/loopblinn05.pdf

What is really meant here by Canvas GPU acceleration?

I can of course only speak for Opera, but we strive to hardware accelerate all parts of the drawing, and for canvas that also entails triangulating paths and batching to reduce the number of drawcalls. I.e. using an image atlas to draw several pieces in succession should give a good performance boost. Of course if we'd want to take it one step further then adding support at the API level for drawing multiple images would be good.

Erik Möller
Core Gfx Lead
Opera Software

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