On Wed, 05 Sep 2012 22:47:07 +0200, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:


Webkit returns undefined, whereas IE, Gecko, and Opera all return an
HTMLCollection. (IE returns an HTMLCollection with a tags() method, Gecko
and Opera do not. The spec requires an HTMLAllCollection, which is the
kind of collection that has a tags() method in the spec; in IE, all
collections have a tags() method, and document.all is actually a regular
HTMLCollection. We could change the spec here, e.g. to put tags() on all
collections or to just forget about tags() on the subcollection here.)

I thought we had agreed to drop tags() everywhere except for the document.all collection. I guess the collection returned by document.all.foo wasn't discussed back then, though. Opera and Firefox don't support tags() there, which suggests it's not needed for compat, so maybe the spec should side with Opera/Firefox and return HTMLCollection instead of HTMLAllCollection.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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