On Sep 6, 2012, at 7:26 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:

> On Wed, 05 Sep 2012 19:45:41 +0200, Mathew Marquis <m...@matmarquis.com> 
> wrote:
>> I can say for my own part: manipulating strings is far more difficult than 
>> manipulating the value of individual attributes. It’s hard to imagine a 
>> situation where I’d prefer to muck through a space/comma separated string 
>> rather than a set of independent elements and attributes. Unless the plan is 
>> to include an API similar to classList, though it would then be occupied by 
>> a set of strings describing disparate information.
> The implementation complexity for multiple elements is much greater compared 
> to an attribute (or even several attributes, so long as it's just one 
> element) plus an API. See 
> http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2012-May/035784.html and 
> search for "it doesn't involve multiple elements." in 
> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/2012Aug/0070.html 
> for why.
>> Given `srcset="img2.jpg 2x 300w, img3.jpg 600w 2x"`, I can only envision a 
>> classList-style API returning something like one of the following:
>> 1) [ "img2.jpg", "2x", "300w", "img3.jpg", "600w", "2x" ]
>> This obviously isn’t ideal where authors will have no idea what information 
>> is being manipulated without keeping constant tabs on the current index as 
>> compared to the string in the markup. Even if the order of these separate 
>> concerns were normalized, the inclusion or omission of any individual aspect 
>> of a rule would mean a flurry of `console.log`s in order to figure out which 
>> index represented which concern — or careful counting of spaces in one’s 
>> markup, which certainly seems error-prone to me. I know I would certainly 
>> make mistakes, there.
>> 2) [ "img2.jpg 2x 300w", "img3.jpg 600w 2x" ]
>> We’re still left parsing space-seperated strings for relevant information, 
>> albeit smaller ones.
> 3) [ { src:"img2.jpg", x:2, w:300 }, { src:"img3.jpg", x:2, w:600 } ]
> Except as host objects so that setting the properties actually updates the 
> attribute. (src="" can also be exposed in the same API.)
>> I don’t feel there’s much of a case to be made in favor of writing regular 
>> expressions to parse and manipulate strings, rather than manipulating 
>> elements and attributes — though, as always, I’m happy to reach out to the 
>> author community and ask. If I’m completely off-base here — and I may well 
>> be — I’d certainly be interested in reading more about the plans for an API.
> (3) above doesn't need regexps.

After a quick read through the existing spec for `source`, it seems we wouldn’t 
be forced to manipulate `source` elements and attributes themselves in order to 
reevaluate the most appropriate `source` for a given `picture` element. We 
would instead be setting the `src` on the `picture` element itself.

Given the parity between JavaScript’s `matchMedia` and `media` attributes, and 
given `devicePixelRatio` for determining the appropriate resolution, it would 
make it simple to determine the most appropriate source before setting it on 
the `picture` element: then, we need only access one element in the DOM, set a 
relevant value within a single attribute, and we’re finished. This makes 
_setting_ values an equally trivial task with either solution—though if the 
author is inclined towards making layout decisions based on `em`s (an 
increasingly common practice), those values will have to be converted to 
pixel-based values in order to work with the extended `srcset` syntax.

In terms of retrieving information from either element, the previous discussion 
stands: we’re left parsing a single string or tapping into a highly-specific 
API attached to `img` in the case of the extended `srcset` syntax, or accessing 
standalone elements and attributes in the case of `picture`. The latter 
certainly seems easier from an authorship perspective; I’m curious as to how 
much more complication is involved in implementing an API on `img`, to cater to 
the extended `srcset.`

> -- 
> Simon Pieters
> Opera Software

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