Just saw the following change: http://html5.org/r/7347, and while it's
certainly nice to have examples, I don't understand why rel="tag"
*always* applies to the whole document. I think it makes perfect sense
in the first example, but my expectation as an author would be for
tags within articles to apply only to them, just as header, footer,
address, etc. do.

Take for example a listing of blog posts which display their respective tags:

    <h2>My Summer Vacation</h2>
    <p>Tags: <a rel="tag" href="/tags/vacation">vacation</a>, <a
rel="tag" href="/tags/swimming">swimming</a></p>

    <h2>My New Cat</h2>
    <p>Tags: <a rel="tag" href="/tags/cats">cats</a>, <a rel="tag"

As currently written, the spec would have implementations tag the
entire document with "vacation", "swimming", "cats", and
"responsibility". Such tags might go together if the author were
talking about how it's irresponsible to take cats swimming with you on
vacation, but that's not the case here. The only way around this I
take it would be for a CMS not to include "rel=tag" on the links in
the listing page view, but then to include them in the single post or
"permalink" views... which strikes me as odd, as both such views
typically display more or less the same content, just in different
contexts. The semantic of the links being tags doesn't change at all.

In fact, WordPress already uses rel="tag" in the above manner by
default[1], and the Microformats Wiki, which I believed popularized
the syntax, states that "a tag may just refer to a major portion of
the current page (i.e. a blog post)"[2], so this conflicts with
existing usage.

[1]: http://twentyelevendemo.wordpress.com/
[2]: http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-tag#Abstract

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