On 9/21/12 11:16 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
It is based on the
various URL code paths found in WebKit and Gecko and supports the \ as
/ in various places because it seemed better for compatibility.

Or worse, depending on your use cases...

* data URLs; in Gecko these appear to be parsed as part of the URL
layer, because they can turn a URL invalid. Other browsers do not do
this. Opinions? Should data URLs support .search?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "parsed as part of the URL layer" here. What's the concern?

* Advice on file URLs would be nice.

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here?  ;)

If you want constructive advice, it would be interesting to get a full list of all the weird stuff that UAs do here so we can evaluate which parts of it are needed and why. I can try to produce such a list for Gecko, if there seems to be motion on the general idea.

PS: It also does the query encoding thing correctly for the first time
ever in the history of URL standards



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