This is good point.  Could I just clarify my understanding with an example:

Given a thumbnail image with srcset:
srcset="low.jpg 20w, hi.jpg 40w, huge.jpg 80w"

The webpage may want to have the browser scale the 20w image to say 50px
without the browser deciding that the 40w image is more appropriate?

Perhaps it would be realistic for this case to simply not be supported.

Authors have the alternative option of using an encoding with a lower quality
to reduce the image file size, rather than supplying a low resolution image that
the browser scales up.

Perhaps when the file size is far more important than image quality a single 
would suffice anyway.


> To:
> Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 18:40:21 +0200
> From:
> Subject: Re: [whatwg] Features for responsive Web design
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2012 20:07:04 +0200, Markus Ernst <> wrote:
> > This is why I'd humbly suggest to put information on the image in  
> > @srcset rather than info on the device and media. Such as:
> >  srcset="low.jpg 200w, hi.jpg 400w, huge.jpg 800w"
> What about an image gallery, when you have 25 thumbnails on one page?  I'm  
> not sure how this will work in cases where you don't want the image to be  
> the "max size" your screen can handle.
> Even the common case of having an article picture that is not 100% of the  
> screen width will be hard to do in a responsive non-fluid way with  
> predefined breakpoints.
> -- 
> Odin Hørthe Omdal (Velmont/odinho) · Core, Opera Software,

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