As a developer I'm in favor of this. Just take a look at the how
popular the question of "How do I enable Reader mode" is on SO[1], and
how complex and mysterious the actual algorithm appears to be[2], and
it's evident how authors and implementors alike could benefit from a
dedicated element.

Although, there's the question of how similar in definition it'd be to
<article>. Is it merely a more specific version of "a self-contained
composition [...] that is, in principle, independently distributable"?
Or is it a more specific <div>; a semantic "wrapper" element?

If it's the former, this could just as well be an empty attribute, as
<article main>. Not too different from ARIA, which maybe makes it a
little redundant, but it's less to type in CSS (article[main] vs
article[role="main"]), and also achieves landmark parity without
breaking "legacy" HTML parsers, frameworks, etc. which only expect

If it's the latter, it probably makes more sense for it to be an
element, where it wouldn't say whether the content was self-contained
or not; just that its contents are considered the primary focus of the
page, except anything that would otherwise be excluded in the document


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