On 11/20/12 2:38 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
IMHO there's no point us trying to keep things locked down when you set

I believe sites actually rely on a certain amount of lockdown in situations like this... Adam can fill you in, I'm sure.

But in general, as people work more and more on Widgety and Appy stuff in HTML, with various expanded privileges, granted permissions, etc, the assumption that the security model is completely symmetric just becomes false. I'd rather we didn't paint ourselves into a corner by assuming otherwise here and requiring behavior that UAs would simply refuse to implement because they view it as insecure.

if you have both calling each other then you can almost certainly
trick the script into doing what you want either way.

Who said anything about both calling each other?

If they're not calling each other, how are they both on the stack?

This only requires one of them calling the other. It doesn't require "the other" being able to call back into "one".

Maybe that's not what you meant, though. So let me give you a concrete not-exactly-hypothetical example.

Say I'm implementing a debugger in a web browser, and I implement my UI in HTML+JS as browsers are tending to do now. When I examine properties with scripted getters in this debugger, what should happen? I will bet money that the debugger is not, generally, running with the permissions of the page, because it needs to be able to do things that web pages aren't allowed to do. However the getters in question had better run with the permissions of the page; otherwise you open up the debugger to attacks from the web page. This problem is not solvable using the "separate worlds" approaches browsers use to provide extensions with an unmodified view of the DOM, since the debugger really does want to see what's going on in the web page itself; it just doesn't want to allow the page to escalate permissions.

Now I know there are several possible objections to this use case, so let me just pre-address some:

1) "It's not the web, so we don't have to specify it." That's true, sure. I suspect as time goes on we might in fact need to specify something like this for apps, however. And more importantly, just because it's not the web doesn't mean UAs are not implementing it, and if they're implementing it they need to make it work with their security model, whatever it is.

2) "The debugger can have some magic to make it all work." Yes, but then the question is how it interacts with the web security model and how the result can be implemented.

3) "The debugger should set the entry script before invoking the getter." This is a plausible approach, but it makes it very error-prone and complicated to create things like the above-described debugger: you have to manually keep track of which objects come from where instead of just having the web platform implementation (which already has that information) keep track of it for you.

4) "Entry script should always be set when crossing origins" (for some definition of "crossing origins"). This seems plausible as well. Maybe it's doable.

One other note: Gecko's current model is at least somewhat influenced by the fact that in the past Gecko had expanded privileges on a per-function basis. This obviously made using the entry script a non-starter... Maybe it's more of a starter now. I'll let Bobby worry about it. ;)


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