Thanks Ian, 

Ian Hickson wrote on 14 december 2012 19:22:
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2012, Mike Wilson wrote:
> >
> > What events are supposed to be fired when the browsing context 
> > gets navigated away before the current page has finished 
> > loading, ie before the load event has been fired?
> It's pretty complicated, but the short answer is "beforeunload" 
> and "unload". "DOMContentLoaded" and "load" don't fire per spec, 
> though this is controversial (it's been suggested that the abort
> that happens during navigation should be equivalent to the abort 
> that happens when the user hits "Stop"; whether it is or not 
> changes whether or not we pretend that the page finished parsing 
> or not).

I added the beforeunload event in an updated fiddle:

which resulted in:

              FF17  Chr23 IE9   spec
              ----- ----- ----- -----
domload       y     y     n     n
load          n     n     n     n
beforeunload  y     n     y     y
unload​       y     y     n     y

So yes, it seems there is a lack of agreement here :-)

Anyway, the finding that originally got me started on looking at
this was that I received an unload event without a preceeding
load event. Naively this seems logically wrong, but I appreciate
these are complicated matters so I'm content with the answer that
this probably shouldn't be expected in these kinds of cases.

Best regards

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